16th Asean valuers pre-congress

16th Asean valuers pre-congress 25/03/2009 04:28:00 2297

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Dear Sir/Madam,

The Price Control Department – Ministry of Finance of Vietnam and ASEAN Valuers Association are  pleased to announce that 16th AVA Pre-Congress Meeting and valuation seminar titled “Valuation Profession in ASEAN region facing the global financial crisis challenge”will be held from April 27-29, 2009 in Hoi An , Quang Nam , Vietnam . This will provide you with an excellent opportunity for networking, renewing contacts, updating and exchanging information on valuation and other property related fields whilst simultaneously enjoying the hospitality and the beauty of Hoi An Ancient Town-UNESCO world cultural heritage. The seminar will also create the opportunity for the members of AVA and seminar participants to discuss and share difficulties rising due to negative effects of the global financial crisis.

All AVA members as well as observers will be invited to attend the Pre-Congress Meeting and the valuation seminar. We also look forward to welcoming international valuation professionals and academicians from both the public and private sectors throughout the ASEAN region including Valuers, Appraisals, Surveyors, Estate Agents; Corporate Finance Managers & Analysts; Accountants & Auditors; Credit Managers in Financial Institutions; Portfolio/Fund/Investment Managers; Developers; Bankers; Property Development and Management Executives; Government officials within the Property, Finance and Valuation Profession; Related Organizations in real estate, building, investment, etc

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